May 10, 2011 New Journal Issues
Post date: May 10, 2011 3:35:42 PM
Acta Theologica. Supplementum, 14 (2011) [Special issue: Faith, Religion and the Public University / R. Venter (ed.)
Clarion, 60 (no. 9-10), 2011
Symposium, 15 (1), 2011 [includes articles: 'À quelles conditions une éthique herméneutique est-elle possible? Analyse de jeu et de la philosophie pratique chez Gadamer en tant que propédeutique au Mitsein de Heidegger', by F. Bruneault; 'Toward a Divine Atheism: Jean-Luc Nancy's Deconstruction of Monotheism and the Passage of the Last God', by M.-E. Morin; 'The Power of Nothingness: Negative Thought in Agamben', by D.C. Barber; '"Looking" for Intentionality with Heidegger', by T. Klaskow; 'Plato and Levinas on Violence and the Other', by Deborah Achtenberg]