Library Home

The ICS Library is open for research, study, and book lending on Wednesdays from 10:00am to 4:00pm. If you have any research- or resource-related questions, or would like to gain access to the library outside of these hours, please don't hesitate to contact our librarian Anita Siraki. The easiest way to get in contact is by email.

Book Donations

Please note that the ICS Library is unable to accept any book donations, dvds, magazines, encyclopedias, Bibles, or other materials. Those wishing to donate such materials may wish to contact local charity shops or organizations, used bookstores, or to contact the University of Toronto annual book sales such as those hosted by Trinity College, Victoria University, or St. Michael's College.

Work Opportunities

The ICS Library is unable to offer any work-study, co-op, practicum, or volunteer opportunities to students outside of ICS. Additionally, the ICS Library does not participate in any partnerships with outside institutions to provide work experience or paid positions for students. Job seekers may wish to consult relevant job boards or to contact the Careers department of their own institutions.  


The ICS Library is open for research, study, and book lending on Wednesdays from 10:00am to 4:00pm.

The librarian's online office hours are as follows:

Monday: 11am - 6pm
Tuesday: 11am - 6pm
Thursday: 11am - 6pm

Members of the ICS community can gain access to the library outside of these hours by request. Holidays may affect the listed opening hours. 

Please note that materials from our Hamilton collection are not currently accessible. We are working to restore access and will consider requests for these materials on a case-by-case basis. 


Our library is open to the public for research purposes. Our library staff will be happy to assist you with your research requests by email ( or by phone (416-979-2331 ext. 250).

Due to the limited number of research and study spaces available in the ICS library, we request that all non-ICS members contact the librarian in order to make an appointment in order to use the space.


Faculty and graduate students of ICS and the University of Toronto (UofT), including the Toronto School of Theology (TST), may borrow books from the ICS library. The general loan period is 2 weeks, but varies depending on the item. Some borrowers might have a different loan period, depending on their status. 

ICS students and faculty with a valid University of Toronto library card may use the UofT's libraries, borrow books, and access electronic resources, such as electronic indexes and journals.

ICS Catalogue & UofT Library System

The ICS Library has now fully integrated its catalogue with the University of Toronto catalogue, enabling ICS users to search ICS collections through the UofT catalogue. To search the ICS collection exclusively while using the UofT catalogue, select the Advanced Search option and choose “Institute for Christian Studies” under Search Scope (pictured).


The 60,000 volume collection is centred on reformational and foundational studies, philosophy, philosophy of the disciplines, biblical studies, and the Calvinian tradition (e.g. Groen van Prinsterer, Abraham Kuyper,  Herman Dooyeweerd, Dirk Vollenhoven, and Hans Rookmaaker). It includes collections of Herman Dooyeweerd, M.C. Smit, Bernard Zylstra and George Vandervelde. There are Dutch materials, dissertations from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (VUA), student papers, theses and dissertations, and faculty works. The library subscribes to specialised journals such as Faith and Philosophy, Fides et Historia, and La revue reformée.

Since 2009, a large portion of the ICS library has been moved to a temporary storage facility at 625 Concession Street in Hamilton. Items may be requested for consultation at ICS. If you wish, you can make an appointment with the librarian to do your research at our Hamilton location.

A collection specifically on Faith & Learning has also been established. This collection is focused on materials which explore the relationship of Christian faith and intellectual scholarship.

Other Resources

The repository facilitates access to our research, creative works, and publications by collecting, sharing and archiving content selected and deposited by our faculty, graduate students and staff.

Faculty, graduate students and staff can use the institutional repository to set up collections and deposit content into the collection. To inquire about establishing a new collection, please contact us at